Your school: LSE Online, Ukraine

English for children фото 1

English for children

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English for children фото 2
Since I've been coming to LSE, I can watch my favourite cartoons in the original language

LSE Kids is all about…


They will learn words and grammar through practical usage of the language in real-life situations. As a result, they will be able to understand the English language while watching their favourite cartoons, use language to buy things in shops and talk to their friends about their holidays.

Classes are conducted online or offline in Kyiv (school at Livoberezhna metro station, 14 A. Sheptytskogo str) and Lviv (68 I. Franka str).


Why studying at LSE is effective and interesting?

Regular progress tests with feedback from the teacher to monitor progress in learning

Regular progress tests with feedback from the teacher to monitor progress in learning

Classes in a 100% English-speaking environment, using the latest educational materials

Classes in a 100% English-speaking environment, using the latest educational materials

Educational programmes aimed at passing international language exams

Educational programmes aimed at passing international language exams

Attendance and homework control

Attendance and homework control

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The start of classes doesn't mean the end of games and fun! Not at LSE!


    We teach children of age 5-6 years according to a program developed by specialists in the English language and in child psychology.

    English for preschoolers at LSE is a combination of games and entertainment together with active immersion in the English-speaking environment. The variety of tasks makes it easier for children to remember words, phrases and sentences.

    The program consists of three levels of education. At the age of 3-6 years, children can cope with learning up to 130 new words a year, so in classes we do not exceed this number and present vocabulary in small quantities.


6 - 12 years

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    School age is the best time to learn any language and children will feel the full benefit of this in the future.

    In LSE, it is easier for children to get used to the English-speaking environment, as teachers avoid translating into their native language. We explain the new material through associations, drawings, cards, etc. Children play games and work on various projects, developing creative and communicative skills, helping to better master what they have learned.

    Classes take place online or offline in Kyiv (school at metro Livoberezhna, 14 A. Sheptytskogo str) and Lviv (68 I. Franka str).

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Polish your English while you are young!

Express courses

    We have several online courses for pupils to choose from.

    Conversational courses. Interesting topics for discussion and additional exercises to develop new words. Children learn to express their point of view confidently, discover something new and have fun communication with their peers.

    Grammar courses. Grammar constantly raises a number of questions for everyone who studies English. We will define when to use Present Perfect, where to put the auxiliary verb, and why there are so many tenses in English anyway.

    Courses based on video content. English, like any other language, is lively and dynamic. You have to follow all the changes in the language to speak like modern English-speaking children. In the course, students watch YouTube videos in English, allowing them to practise the modern English language.


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